
Sermon Date Speaker Sermon Title
2012-02-26 David Eng In Remembrance of Me Luke 22:1-20
2012-02-26 章開第牧師 預備逾越 Preparing the Passover
2012-02-19 潘儒達牧師 主所賜的平安 約翰福音15:17-16:4,14:27
2012-02-19 Steve Ko Ready for the End Time? Luke 21:5-38
2012-02-19 章開第牧師 橄欖山揭密 The Mt. Olivet Disclosure (2)
2012-02-12 潘儒達牧師 佳果豐盈 約翰福音15:1-17
2012-02-12 Chuck Lowe Authentic Spirituality Luke 20:45-21:4
2012-02-12 章開第牧師 橄欖山揭密 The Mt. Olivet Disclosure (1)
2012-02-05 潘儒達牧師 不是孤兒 約翰福音14:15-31
2012-02-05 Chuck Lowe Does Jesus Permit Us to Protest Against the Government? Luke 20:20-26
2012-02-05 張子義牧師 這像和這號是誰的?
2012-01-29 張召斌長老 在世如同在天 約翰福音14:1-14
2012-01-29 David Eng Thy Kingdom Come? Luke 20:9-19
2012-01-29 章開第牧師 誰作主 Who is the Boss?
2012-01-22 Chuck Lowe American Exceptionalism & Civil Religion Luke 19:28-46
2012-01-22 蔡景輝牧師 一樣米養百樣人
2012-01-15 包克强弟兄 跟隨奴僕君王 約翰福音13:1-17
2012-01-15 Steve Ko Redeem What You've been Given! Luke 19:11-11:27
2012-01-15 章開第牧師 末時的管家
2012-01-08 張孝惇弟兄 榮神與益人 約翰福音12:20-36
2012-01-08 Chuck Lowe Coming to Jesus Luke 18:35-19:10
2012-01-08 章開第牧師 爬樹客
2012-01-01 張召斌長老 生根建造 西 2:6-7, 3:12-16
2012-01-01 韋江牧師 展望未來Seeking the Future
2011-12-25 章開第牧師 翻譯:蔡景輝 和平之君 The Prince of Peace
2011-12-18 David Eng God's Plan of Hope Isaiah 9:1-7
2011-12-18 劉梅碧儀牧師 翻譯:章開第 永在的父
2011-12-11 Chuck Lowe 21st - Century Idolatry 1 Corinthians 10:14-11:1
2011-12-11 章開第牧師 全能的神 Mighty God
2011-12-04 Chuck Lowe Sex Without Recrimination 1 Corinthians 6:12-7:5
2011-12-04 周功和院長 奇妙策士
2011-11-27 Steve Ko A City on a Hill Matthew 5:13-16
2011-11-27 張召斌長老 凡事謝恩
2011-11-20 Chuck Lowe What Does Jesus Think of You? Revelation 3:14-22
2011-11-20 章開第牧師 竭誠為主 Be Zealous for the Lord
2011-11-13 李秀全牧師 臨萬民的福音
2011-11-06 David Eng The Church Jesus Commends Revelation 3:7-13
2011-11-06 韋江牧師 合神心意的教會
2011-10-30 Chuck Lowe Dead or Alive ... & What to do about it Revelation 3:1-6
2011-10-30 盧植德牧師 翻譯:章開第 似生猶死, 你怎知?
2011-10-23 King-Fai Choi Truth Amid Pluralism Revelation 2:18-29
2011-10-23 蔡景輝牧師 行在真理中
2011-10-16 Caleb Chang Holy and Blameless Ephesians 5:25-32
2011-10-16 章開第牧師 聖潔無瑕 Holy and Blameless
2011-10-09 Chuck Lowe Three of the Most Offensive Christian Teachings ... and What We Can Do About Them Revelation 2:12-17
2011-10-09 蔡景輝牧師 堅守主的名
2011-10-02 Steve Ko Embracing Persecution Revelation 2:8-11
2011-10-02 章開第牧師 至死忠心 Be Faithful to Death
2011-09-25 David Eng Love Matters Revelation 1:9-20
2011-09-25 蔡茂堂牧師 如鷹展翅
2011-09-18 Chuck Lowe Speak, O Lord Revelation 1:9-20
2011-09-18 章開第牧師 起初的愛
