Senior Pastor Search 2017

誠聘主任牧師波士頓郊區華人聖經教會  勒星頓,麻薩諸塞州








波士頓郊區華人聖經教會是長老團責任制,主任牧師是其中一員。教會的財務管理、產物維護、和宣教事工統一由執事會管理。教會有超過30個事工部; 主要分為中文部,跨越橋部(英文部),青年部,少年部,兒童部。這些事工部各自有團契事工、音樂崇拜,主日學,門徒訓練,愛心關懷,本地宣教。 





候選人必須擅長謹慎、嚴格、正確,同時又有活力、密切結合生活的釋經原則;具備扎實的組織能力和屬靈的領導能力; 具備實際門徒訓練的經驗; 能夠善於牧養教會。候選人必須能夠與本教會的帶職事奉的負責同工有效合作。候選人必須了解當代的屬靈挑戰和會眾需求,並建立相應有效的事工。 

職責細則  - 必備條件 


1. 教義和立場

·       認同波士頓郊區華人聖經教會的信仰宣言(

·       認同波士頓郊區華人聖經教會的異象和使命(

·       願意並遵守波士頓郊區華人聖經教會的教會憲章,包括教會的教義和組織結構 (

·       願意接受並履行波士頓郊區華人聖經教會有關靈恩運動的聲明  (

2. 專業背景

·       有至少10年的講台事工經驗, 並在教導中顯明福音派的信息

·       有至少3年牧養華人(普通話)和英文綜合性教會的經驗

·       擁有神學院頒發的碩士以上的學位專業技能

·       講道有效並有活力,能把聖經教導准確、無誤闡釋出來,使聽道的人得到激勵

·       有針對不同群體進行輔導、門徒培訓、教牧關懷和牧養的經驗

·       善於有效地與教牧同工和其他事工負責人合作

·       善於有效地與不同的會眾、群體和機構合作

·       有在小型和大型聚會教導的經驗 品格要求

·       有明確全時間牧養教會的呼召

·       做僕人領導者的典范

·       活出基督徒的生命,並無可指責

·       尊重不同的文化和種族背景

·       合乎提摩太前書3:1-7,提多書1:6-9所定義的作長老的資格 

3. 附加條件

·       至少有牧養或帶領過500位會眾教會的經驗

·       在由教牧同工和帶職事奉同工組成的機構裡,擔任過負責人

·       在不同的群體和文化背景下有過講道的經驗

·       具有推動異像,實現短、中、長期目標的實踐經驗

·       親自體驗過開啟並推動新的事工

·       對宣教有極高的熱忱

·       與當地社區和教會有過交洽的經驗


Senior Pastor Search - CBCGB Lexington, Massachusetts

The Chinese Bible Church of Greater Boston (CBCGB) is seeking a Senior Pastor to spiritually guide and lead the church towards its vision. Candidate must be able to preach both in Mandarin and English.

Please Send Resume to 

Church Overview

The Chinese Bible Church of Greater Boston (CBCGB) is a non-denominational, evangelical church dedicated to bringing the gospel of Jesus Christ to unreached communities both near and far, through worship, teaching, missions, community engagement, and discipleship training. 

Founded nearly 50 years ago by a group of Chinese immigrants in a house church, CBCGB now serves over 1,400 multicultural worshippers weekly. The church holds multiple services across multiple campuses in greater Boston, including Chinese-speaking and English-speaking congregations. The primary campus in Lexington has high-quality, well-maintained, well-equipped facilities and is in the process of significant expansion. 

Church Vision and Mission

Guided by Matthew 28:19, CBCGB’s vision is: “To see every person become a disciple of Christ, across all cultures, from east to west, from Greater Boston to the world.” Elaborating on this vision, our mission is: “To bring people across all cultures together in Christ to inspire, disciple and send them to be global disciple makers”. CBCGB is committed to the sending and training of missionaries globally to reach unreached communities and plant churches. Past missionaries have included pastors, elders, deacons, and members of all dispositions and backgrounds. Locally, CBCGB has planted three independent churches in greater Boston. 

Church Ministries

CBCGB is governed by the Board of Elders (BoE), of which the Senior Pastor is a member. The Board of Deacons manages the church’s finances and property. The church has over 30 thriving ministries. Major categories include Chinese Ministry (Chinese-speaking), Cross Bridge (English-speaking), Youth Ministry, Junior Ministry, Children/Kids Ministry. Within these categories, there are fellowships, musical worship groups, Sunday schools, discipleship training groups, love and care ministries, and local outreach programs. 

CBCGB has two main campuses. The primary is in the town of Lexington, and the other, City Outreach Ministry, is in downtown Boston. Both have vibrant, loving, Bible-teaching ministries that consist of families across multiple generations and cultures, working professionals across many fields, and students from elementary to post-graduate levels across many schools and universities. 

Position Summary

CBCGB has been blessed by God with generations of pastors since it was established. Each has had a unique opportunity to further the mission of the church through various stages of growth. Currently, we are looking for a Senior Pastor who shares our vision and can drive ongoing strategic planning, lead our current and incoming generation of pastors and elders, shepherd both the Chinese congregation and our newly branded English-speaking congregation, devise strategies for reaching the increasing number of Chinese immigrants of various ages and backgrounds, and help develop any new ministry areas that our Lord may bring to us. 

To guide the whole church towards its vision, the Senior Pastor serves as the spiritual leader across all ministries. As a member of the Board of Elders, the Senior Pastor is expected to motivate coworkers in all ministries, and supervise pastoral and administrative staff. The Senior Pastor will primarily preach in the Chinese congregation, while being able and willing to preach in the English congregation periodically. In addition, the Senior Pastor is expected to unify various ministries to establish a healthy and effective Christ-centered culture throughout our church.  

A successful candidate must be skilled in exegetical, expository, dynamic, and relevant preaching; have strong organizational and spiritual leadership; be experienced in practical discipleship training; and be able to perform pastoral care. The candidate must be able to collaborate with all layers of CBCGB church leadership. The candidate must understand modern spiritual challenges and the needs of congregants, and be able to effectively minister to those challenges and needs. 

OFFICIAL JOB DESCRIPTION: Required Qualifications 

1. Doctrine and Direction

·       Agrees with the statement of faith of CBCGB  (

·       Agrees with the vision statement and mission statement of CBCGB (

·       Is willing and able to adhere to the bylaws of CBCGB (, including doctrinal statement and overall church organizational structure

·       Is willing to accept the practice stated in the CBCGB charismatic statement (

 2. Professional Background

·       Has at least 10 years’ experience in pulpit ministry, with demonstrated practice in evangelistic teachings

·       Has at least 3 years of experience pastoring in (Mandarin) Chinese and English congregations

·       Possesses a Master's Degree or higher from a seminary Professional Skills

·       Is an effective and dynamic speaker, with the demonstrated ability to preach inspirational, exegetically accurate sermons from the Bible

·       Has experience in mentoring and discipleship training, pastoral care, and shepherding, across different demographics

·       Collaborates well with pastoral staff and lay leaders

·       Works effectively with different congregations, demographics, and organizations

·       Has experience in teaching both small and large groups 

3. Character

·       Demonstrates a clear calling to pastoring

·       Leads by example as a humble servant leader

·       Demonstrates Christian living and service without reproach

·       Is respectful of the variety of cultural and ethnic backgrounds of congregants

·       Meets elder qualifications as defined in 1 Timothy 3:1-7, Titus 1:6-9 

4.  Preferred Qualifications

·       Has led, or been in senior leadership, for congregations of at least 500 regular congregants

·       Has experience in a senior leadership position as part of an organization of pastoral staff and lay leaders

·       Has experience preaching across different demographics and cultures

·       Has experience driving vision and strategy for achieving short, medium, and long term goals

·       Has hands-on experience creating and driving initiatives and ministries

·       Is passionate about missions 

·       Has experience engaging with the local community and other local churches

CBCGB is committed to equal opportunities for all employees and job applicants.